Oxygen Concentrators South Africa

SA-Sauna: Health Benefits Of Oxygen Concentrators In South Africa

With Covid-19 on the rise once again, there is a greater need for oxygen concentrators in South Africa. Unfortunately too many hospitals are at capacity. And too many people are unable to get the care that they need. Thankfully, we have a product that allows you to focus on your health in the comfort of…


New Far Infrared Sauna Stock Available, Buy Now

The use of an infrared sauna strengthens your immune system by increasing white blood cell production, triggering the immune system, releasing impurities, improving blood circulation, regenerating cells, and promoting relaxation. With a strong defense system, you are free to enjoy life in full health. When the season turns cold and our immune systems are under…


Winter Sauna Specials / Cape Town Sauna

Our latest Far InfraDELUXE full spectrum saunas are ready to beat the winter chill in Cape Town. You can prevent influenza and other winter related illnesses when using the SA Sauna InfraDELUXE wellness cabin. Call now to order 021 4920530 or 0769693807 SA-Signature Far Infrared Series SA-Signature: 2 Person Far Infrared Sauna Rated 5.00out of…


Loose weight using Far Infrared Sauna wellness cabin

How’s your ‘bod’ looking. Do you have ‘broad shoulders’ around your waist? Get ready for that summer ‘bod’ look. Let SA Sauna assist you with weight loss, detoxification and relaxation. It’s actually quite easy – Just a couple of sessions per week in our latest far Infrared Sauna will get you feeling inspired and healthy…


Wellness Sauna Cabin Sale – Healing Sauna

4 Person Far Infrared Sauna Wellness Cabin installed today. Made from allergy free Canadian Hemlock wood. Built in Ioniser  Custom addon Ozone O3 generator  Chromo therapy lighting  Pure Ceramic Infrared Emitters   Price R22,000 installed  www.sa-sauna.co.za  info@sa-sauna.co.za  Order today – Heal Tomorrow!  DURBAN: 031 4920511 | BALLITO: 032 4920103 | PRETORIA: 012 4920548 | JOHANNESBURG: 010 4920694 |…


Far Infrared Sauna wellness cabin sale

Feeling the Chill? Don’t allow some of the potent influenza virus strains to affect you and your family.  Far Infrared saunas are a healthy way to relax, relieve and detoxify.  We have some incredible winter special process:  Visit www.sa-sauna.co.za   National Sales and Delivery  DURBAN: 031 4920511 | BALLITO: 032 4920103 | PRETORIA: 012 4920548 | JOHANNESBURG: 010 4920694…