The Earth, our continents, oceans, in fact every living thing depends on light to be able to exist. Recent scientific evidence suggests that light is in fact emitted by every cell in our bodies. We live in a sea of energy where color is working within us. It shines with in our divine self, and radiates upon us from the sun. Research and observation has shown us that specific colors bring balance to our physical and emotional systems. Chromotherapy can easily be used as an alternative to Chinese acupuncture, achieving the same results in unblocking meridians without the discomfort of needles used in acupuncture.
Colour therapy (also known as chromotherapy) is an exciting new form of healing brought forward from the Atlantean teachings, and is complimentary to such modalities as kinesiology, acupuncture and other natural healing modalities.
Our range of sauna products offer chromotherapy lighting as a standard feature.
Chromotherapy is a therapeutic science which has been used by many races for thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians used specially built solarium rooms with different coloured glasses. The sun would shine through the coloured glass onto the patient to achieve specific therapeutic benefits. Others used different coloured silk clothes to filter varying shades of light onto their bodies. There is also evidence of others using coloured waters and coloured gels to achieve the same results.
These days, many natural therapists are using chromotherapy on their patients in interesting ways. They report success in recovery of stroke victims, and in others who have chronic depression. In the United States, chromotherapy is being recognised as a complimentary system to other therapies and treatments.
One interesting announcement made by CNN recently discusses application of blue light to the backs of the knees to adjust the body clock, thus overcoming jet lag, and the problems associated with shift work.
Examine the Auric Healing Colour wheel in the picture to the left from around 30cm up to 5 feet away, gazing into the centre of the wheel.
Soon the pattern will begin to move and reflect with your auric colours
Your auric colour(s) may change due to many effects, including healing, negative situations, emotional states, and as we progress on our life path, we may progress through events and develop a new state of being.
Therapists: It is excellent to have your patients stare at this wheel and explain the colours to you before and after a healing – they will generally notice some differences which you may explain to them as the energies becoming more harmonious.

Explore the fascinating healing modality of color through this A4 spiral bound work book. Understand the Chinese five elements; how they work with us and the colors they embody.
Discover the energy flow to particular organs that relate to each of these colors. Emotions that create imbalances in the body and the colors to balance out each of these emotions.
Utilise crystal pendulums, acupressure holding points and meridians in the body to determine which energy flows are imbalanced. Learn about the seasons which relate to each of these five elements and the changes in our lives that accompany each of these times. Explore the healing properties attributed to each of the colors. Circular polarisation of light through crystals and the movement of cleansing these energy blocks, color therapy through meridians, comprehensive emotional states leading to imbalances and a deep form of natural healing to cleanse these imbalances. This book is designed to enhance treatments of natural therapists and also to enable those that have had no prior experience a working understanding of a natural form of healing they will be able to use.
- Introduction
- Color therapy and the five elements
- Using the book without special training
- Qi Flow
- Acupressure Holding Points
- Gem Essences
- Emotions
- Meridians & Acupressure Holding Points:
- Red, Yellow, White, Blue, Green Elements
- Red Color
- Yellow Color
- White Color
- Blue Color
- Green Color
- Color Therapy Torches/Circular Polarization
- Using Your Crystal Pendulum
- Programming Your Pendulum
- Emotions/Corrections
- For practitioners utilizing Pendulums
- For practitioners utilizing Kinesiology
- Color Correction Sheets:
- Central
- Governing
- Small Intestine
- Triple Warmer
- Heart
- Circulation Sex/Pericardium
- Stomach
- Spleen
- Lung
- Large Intestine
- Kidney
- Bladder
- Gall Bladder
- Liver
- Meridian Checking Points Diagram
- Checking Points for Acupressure Holding Points
- Procedure Flow Chart
- Crystal Light Balancing Certificate Courses
- About The Workshops
- Products